Thursday, 9 February 2012

How to root Samsung Galaxy GIO GT-S5660 running Gingerbread 2.3.6

How to root Samsung Galaxy GIO running Gingerbread 2.3.6 :

  • Download here or mirror

  • Copy to root folder of your SD card

  • Turn off your Galaxy GIO

  • Put your Samsung Galaxy GIO GT-S5660 into recovery modeby pressing and holding HOME button and then press power button

[caption id="attachment_216" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Samsung Galaxy Gio S5660 Recovery Mode"]Samsung Galaxy Gio S5660 Recovery Mode[/caption]

  • Select Update from SD Card (Use Volume button and Home button for choosing menu)

  • Select the file

  • Wait until the process is finished

  • Reboot your Samsung Galaxy GIO GT-S5660

  • Congratulations, your Samsung Galaxy GIO GT-S5660 has been rooted, you can check it by using terminal emulator and run su command

[caption id="attachment_217" align="aligncenter" width="200" caption="Rooted Samsung Galaxy GIO GT-S5660 running Gingerbread 2.3.6"]Rooted Samsung Galaxy GIO GT-S5660 running Gingerbread 2.3.6[/caption]



  1. Hello,

    I am considering the purchase of this smartphone.
    What are the positive and negative points of this root ?

    Tnx for you answers.

  2. rooting mean you have complete control over your phone that can't be done on a non rooted phone such as :
    - have access to alter any system files, change boot images, delete stock apps
    - backup / restore the whole system
    - save space on internal storage
    - run special apps that required root access
    - etc

    but rooting your phone might void factory or service provider warranty in many cases.

  3. Bonjour et merci d'avance ;) je ne comprend pas cet manipulation - Sélectionnez Mise à jour de carte SD (Utilisez le bouton de volume et le bouton Accueil pour choisir le menu)- ? merci encore

  4. You need to enter recovery mode as described above and then there will be "Update from SD Card" menu in the recovery mode, use Volume button to navigate to that option, then use Home button to select it ;)

  5. merci de votre réponse mais dans quel dossier mettre le fichier ? merci d'avance

  6. désolé je viens de réussir je crois ... je vous dit d'avantage merci désolé du dérangement

  7. et j'aurais une question maintenant que tout est ok que puis je faire de bien ? merci encore :)

  8. I cant turn on the recovery mode, when i hold the home button and press power button, nothing happens. If i hold the home button and then press and hold power button, my phone just turns on normally. Can you help me?

  9. maybe there's something wrong with ur phone, try to reflash or upgrade the firmware first
